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Design of Controlled Vehicle Entry and Exit for High-Security Facilities

Design of Controlled Vehicle Entry and Exit for High-Security Facilities

Design of Controlled Vehicle Entry and Exit for High-Security Facilities.

Important military facilities or units, major R&D centers, large facilities, and significant public buildings that require high-security systems should keep vehicle entries under control. Thoroughly searching all incoming vehicles is crucial to prevent possible terrorist attacks or other threats. Taking necessary security measures only physically may not be sufficient for entrance and exit security. Manual searches of the underside of vehicles and manual control of barriers can lead to both security vulnerabilities and delays in entering and exiting.

In this article, we will provide some information on how to design high-security vehicle entry systems. The systems we will examine include barrier gate systems, vehicle screening systems, road blocker systems, and license plate recognition systems.

Vehicle undercarriage imaging systems

One of the most important systems used at the entrances of areas requiring security is the vehicle undercarriage imaging system. Thanks to the vehicle undercarriage imaging system, the underside of every incoming vehicle is scanned with special cameras. The security operator monitoring the system examines the images from the cameras, and if there is any risk from a security standpoint, the vehicle will not be allowed to pass.

The vehicle undercarriage imaging system also integrates with license plate recognition systems, and if a vehicle that has entered before comes again, the system compares the old images with the new ones. If there is a risky situation in terms of security, the operator can mark it on the image, and if necessary, take action after examining the situation.

Road blocker systems.

Road blocker systems are security systems that prevent the passage of vehicles to areas requiring high security to prevent sabotage with explosive vehicles. Road blocker systems are generally security systems that work in integration with vehicle undercarriage imaging systems. These systems are resistant to high-impact collisions. Road blocker systems are resistant to sabotage that can be organized with large vehicles such as trucks or trailers.

Road blocker systems are security products that can be integrated with boom barrier systems and license plate recognition systems.

Boom barriers, which are also used at entrances, are used to prevent both the invisibility and collision risks of road blocker systems, and unauthorized entry of vehicles. In addition, a physical security personnel present at the entrances should search the trunk of each vehicle. It is very clear that there will be serious security vulnerabilities in a vehicle where only the underside is searched without searching the trunk.

Placing road blocker systems only at the entrance will cause serious security vulnerabilities. In order to prevent the risk of a sabotaging vehicle entering from the exit, road blocker systems should also be placed at the exits. An example image related to the subject is shown below.

A security camera system should be installed around Nizamiye to ensure that no blind spots remain. With the cameras, every point should be monitored live, and if necessary, recorded images should be tracked. All monitoring and controls should be monitored from a checkpoint where the environment can be easily monitored.

The control of all barrier systems should be automated and, if necessary, manually controlled from within the checkpoint. In case of emergency, the entire system can be automatically shut down by pressing a button inside the checkpoint.

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He has approximately 17 years of experience in Fire and Electronic Security Systems. He has worked in all stages of large-scale fire and security system projects. He wrote the first Electronic Security Systems book in Turkey. He works to contribute to the industry and provides consultancy services.

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