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The use of video analytics in security camera systems.

Video analysis is a technology used in security camera systems and has become increasingly popular in recent times. While security cameras are used in many application areas, video analysis solutions are starting to replace them in popularity.

The use of video analytics in security camera systems.

Usage and application areas of video analysis in security camera systems.

While security camera system solutions, which became quite popular in the past, continue to maintain their popularity, they are starting to be replaced by video analysis solutions. Video analytics has found broad usage in our real world and has become increasingly popular. Video analytics allows for analyses such as identifying different objects, detecting abnormal situations, managing traffic flow, and facial recognition in our daily lives. With the developing technology in recent years, camera system video analysis solutions have become more functional, with high accuracy and affordable costs, and have gained a wide range of applications. Video analytics solutions, integrated into security camera systems that provide standard video monitoring, elevate the level of security. It is estimated that the video analytics market worldwide will reach a size of 22 billion USD by 2027.

The main function of the security camera systems we use is to monitor public places or protect the perimeter security of facilities that require security against theft and sabotage. Security camera systems protect buildings and facilities against theft, sabotage, fire, unauthorized entry, or potential hazards. In the security camera system, the system is monitored by security operators from a central location. Security operators constantly monitor cameras to detect negative situations and try to intervene. However, even if the security camera system is good, if the weakest link in security, the security monitoring operators, miss an event, serious security system vulnerabilities will be exposed. The problem here is that security operators cannot constantly look at multiple screens without losing concentration. This situation will cause critical incidents to be missed and security weaknesses to occur. Integrating video analysis solutions into security camera systems allows security problems that security operators might miss to be tracked without errors. Thus, security operators do not have to constantly focus on screens 24/7. Video analytics automatically detect threats, filter potential false alarms, and inform security operators of real dangers.

Artificial intelligence-supported video analysis solutions, which have been used in recent years, work equally well in both day and night situations. They detect objects at both close and far distances, process video streams at millisecond-level, and apply advanced video analytics in real-time. Thus, security personnel can obtain better, faster, more accurate, and real-time data through video analytic solutions integrated into security camera monitoring systems. This way, the operators can intervene in events consciously. Security camera systems are useful for forensic investigations when a single event occurs. Security camera systems have long been criticized as reactive systems that cannot detect real-time threats. Security camera monitoring systems usually remained limited to post-event recording monitoring. Now, with video analysis solutions integrated into security camera systems, contemporary and professional video analytics solutions detect events within seconds and inform security personnel. Therefore, security camera systems have become proactive. It is now possible to detect threats from hundreds of security cameras and take action.

Video analytics solutions integrated into security camera systems can detect abnormalities in the monitored area by using different algorithm structures programmed within them. They can quickly detect and report unauthorized individuals entering a certain area or facility. The most common usage area of video analytics solutions is for security purposes.

If you have a high volume of pedestrian traffic entering and exiting certain areas, you can use this system to count people. Additionally, this feature can detect how people interact with each other. Video analytics solutions are widely used in places like shopping malls to determine where customers spend the most time and congregate.

One of the other usage areas of video analytics solutions is the recent use of facial recognition algorithms. These systems can create blacklists based on prior facial data. They use these lists to compare identified faces with the blacklisted faces in their databases to detect wanted individuals.

In industrial facility applications, video analytics solutions are used to detect security risks that can harm people and the environment. These systems are used to detect fire situations, smoke, and various security risks. They are also used in various applications to detect lost objects or items left behind, especially in airports.

He has approximately 17 years of experience in Fire and Electronic Security Systems. He has worked in all stages of large-scale fire and security system projects. He wrote the first Electronic Security Systems book in Turkey. He works to contribute to the industry and provides consultancy services.

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